Doguhan Uluca

Doguhan Uluca
Doguhan Uluca is the JavaScript Specialty Lead and Software Development Expert for Excella Consulting based out of Washington, DC.
Doguhan is the founder and director of the polyglot Tech Talk DC meetup and the creator of the DC Full Stack Web Summit conference.
Doguhan is an speaker at international conferences like Ng-Conf, CodeStock, deliver:Agile and Agile XP. He is an advanced-level Certified Scrum Professional, a full-stack JavaScript, Agile and Cloud engineering expert.
Doguhan has published articles on DevPro and a paper on ACM. He is an active contributor to the open source community with JavaScript, Angular, Node and MongoDB related libraries and tools published on npm, GitHub, and Docker Hub.
Doguhan likes playing Go & RTS games, enjoys exploring speakeasies and traveling. You can find more on Doguhan's latest work at
Ship It or It Never Happened: The Power of Docker, Heroku & CircleCI
Shipping code is hard and it is rough! It doesn't have to be. Using Docker, Heroku and CircleCI you can set up a world-class Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline in an hour with advanced functionality like Heroku preview apps, provisioning servers on-demand for to scale and containers that leverage layering to enforce Enterprise requirements, while giving developers access, flexibility and speed to get their work done. With duluca/minimal-node-web-server docker image and how you can tailor it to build your micro-services or web servers in a matter of minutes using Docker and deploy your web app on the cloud.
Learning Outcomes:- Why a robust CI & CD pipeline is critical to Agile development
- How to containerize a web app with its own web server using Docker and Node
- How to build and publish a container using npm scripts
- How to set up a Continuous Integration pipeline with Circle CI
- How to set up a Continuous Deployment pipeline with Heroku
- How to use on demand server instances with Heroku Preview Apps