Job van der Voort

Job van der Voort
Coming from neuroscience, Job went head-first into tech by founding a startup, later working as a software engineer and eventually joining GitLab. At GitLab he's done everything from support, engineering to marketing, but ended up leading the direction of its product as VP of Product. In his free time, Job likes to build small, useful apps and play (board) games.
Conversational Development: Working together with 250 people, all remote
GitLab has almost 250 employees and not a single office. We manage all our work through our own methodology, which we coined Conversational Development. ConvDev in short, is a blend of agile practices and modern DevOps practices that allows for much better cross-department / cross-team collaboration.
In this talk I'll go over how we've came to that and how you can apply similar concepts in your work, helping with efficiency, information organisation and making it easier to collaborate: whether you have a remote team or not.