Seb Rose

Seb Rose
Consultant, coach, trainer, analyst and developer for over 30 years.
Seb has been involved in the full development lifecycle with experience that ranges from Architecture to Support, from BASIC to Ruby. He’s a partner in Cucumber Limited, who help teams adopt and refine their agile practices, with a particular focus on collaboration and automated testing.
Regular speaker at conferences and occasional contributor to software journals. Co-author of “BDD Books 1: Discovery” (Leanpub), lead author of “The Cucumber for Java Book” (Pragmatic Programmers), and contributing author to “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know” (O’Reilly).
He blogs at and tweets as @sebrose
An introduction to Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
Ever looked at a specification and wondered exactly what it meant?
Ever wasted time trying to figure out what might be impacted by a change in the specifications?
Ever been unsure which parts of the specification have actually been developed?
Ever looked at test scripts and found yourself unclear what was actually being tested?
Of course you have! There is a better way to write clean, simple, easily understood specifications, that can also act as automated tests.